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Brazil Hijacked is a program of performative lectures about the democratic crisis that is going through the country and severely affecting its arts and culture ecosystem.



Emerson Uýra

Emerson Uýra

Manáus, uma cidade na aldeia

Emerson Uyra

Emerson Uyra


Wellington Gadelha

Wellington Gadelha

Assombro (Haunting)

Calixto Neto

Calixto Neto

Pro Futuro Quilombo

Zahy Guajajara

Zahy Guajajara

Pytuhem - A letter in defense of the guardians of the forest

Alice Ripoll / Cia REC

Alice Ripoll / Cia REC

About questions, shames and scars

Ricardo Marinelli

Ricardo Marinelli

Cuidado com aquele bizarra


In Brazil, the coming to power of an alliance between neo-fascism and the wildest liberalism is resulting in the accelerated dismantling of public policies and institutions that took many years to be built. Brazil Hijacked is an initiative that seeks to give visibility to this situation and, at the same time, support the creation and exhibition of works by Brazilian artists who are being severely affected by the crisis that the country is experiencing.

Artists participating are Ricardo Marinelli, Zahy Guajajara, Alice Ripoll / Cia REC, Calixto Neto  and Wellington Gadelha. Brazil Hijacked was created by curators Eduardo Bonito and Isabel Ferreira thanks to the support of Festival Grec 2020 - Antic Teatre (Barcelona) and has been presented in events such as Festival de la Cité, Tanz im August, Zuercher Theater aSpektakle, Festival de la Batie, FIT - Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro and others .

​In addition to the performative talks, Brazil Hijacked also brings together works by artists such as Luiz de Abreu (O Samba do Crioulo Doido featured by Calixto Neto) and Azkona & Toloza (Teatro Amazonas) who strongly dialogue with the current socio-political context that the country is experiencing.


Captura de pantalla 2021-01-11 a las 16.


Agosto 2021

03 - 15 de agosto. Festival Contemporáneo de São Paulo. 

May 2021

​​20/05/2021  • 19h - Presentation of Brazil Hijacked by Eduardo Bonito and Isabel Ferreira. Filmmaking for Social Change Festival. Palacio de Condestable, Navarra.


April 2021

​​24/04/2021  • 17:15 h - Abertura de las jornadas Mujeres Brasileñas Contra el Fascismo de Barcelona -  3 años en lucha • 17:40 h - Performance: RITUAL / Zahy Guajajara i Sallisa Rosa • 18:00 h - Nuevas dramaturgias documentales: COPUAZÚ (Teatro Amazonas) / Azkona&Toloza • 19:15 h - Debate: TEATRO Y LUCHA SOCIAL / Participantes: Cecilia Boal, Azkona&Toloza, Zahy Guajajara, Sallisa Rosa. Mediadores: Cecília Boal i membres MBCF.BCN • 20:15 h - Performance musical: FINESTRA FINA / Aina Bonet, Jeca Mó.


25/05/2021  • 17:40 h - Performance: A COBRA / Kelly Lua • 18:00 h - Performance: O PÉ QUE DANÇA, SE PRECISO VAI A LUTA / Edi Pantera • 18:20 h - Performance: LA NUEVA ERA / Amanda Araújo • 19:05 h - Debate: CAMINOS Y RESISTENCIAS: ¿CÓMO RE-EXISTIR? (CAMINHOS E RESISTÊNCIAS: COMO RE-EXISTIR?) Participants: Edi Pantera, Kelly Lua. Mediadores: membres MBCF.BCN • 19:35 h - Clausura: DILEMA MIGRANTE / Luana Raiter i membres MBCF.BCN


January 2021

​​24/01/2021  Zahy Guajajara, Alice Ripoll / Cia REC and Calixto Neto. Transborda - Mostra Internacional de Artes Performativas de Almada.

31/01/2021  Premiere of "Assombro" conversation with the artist Wellington Gadelha and Ricardo Marinelli. Transborda - Mostra Internacional de Artes Performativas de Almada


November 2020

​​15/11/2020 “Cuidado com aquele bizarra” Ricardo Marinelli + Presentation of project Brazil Hijacked  by Eduardo Bonito and Isabel Ferreira. FIT - Festival Iberoamericano de Cádiz.

​​September 2020

​​01/09/2020. 21:00. Pytuhem. A letter in defense of  the guardians of the forest” and “O Samba do Crioulo Doido”. Festival La Bâtiè. Geneva (Switzerland).

​​01/09/2020. 21:45. Debate with Calixto Neto, Fabiana Ex-Souza and Eduardo Bonito.

​​02/09/2020. 21:00. Pytuhem. A letter in defense of the guardians of the forest” and “O Samba do Crioulo Doido”. Festival La Bâtiè. Geneva (Switzerland).

​​02/09/2020. 21:45. Debate with Calixto Neto, Mabe Bethônico and Isabel Ferreira. 

​​21/09/2020. Presentation of “Pytuhem. A letter in defense of  the guardians of the forest” at Geneva University (Switzerland).

​​August 2020

​​22/08/2020. 17:00. “Pytuhem. A letter in defense of  the guardians of the forest”. Zuercher Theater Spektakle. Zurich (Switzerland).

​​22/08/2020. 17:15. Talking on the water debate with Ailton Krenak, Zahy Guajajara and Ana Sobral.

​​28/08/2020. 21:00. Premiere: “Teatro Amazonas”. Festival La Bâtiè. Geneva (Switzerland).

​​29/08/2020. 15:30. Premiere: “Burn the house down” and “About Questions, Shames and Scars”. Joint Conference by Zuercher Theatre Spektakle and Tanz im August.  Zurich (Switzerland) and Berlin (Germany).

​​29/08/2020. 17:00.  “Teatro Amazonas”. Festival La Bâtiè. Geneva (Switzerland).29/08/2020: 20:00. “Pytuhem. A letter in defense of  the guardians of the forest”, “Cuidado com aquele bizarra” and “About Questions, Shames and Scars” . Tanz in August, Berlin (Germany).

​​29/08/2020. 21:00. Debate at “Happy to Listen” discussion with Zahy Guajajara, Ricardo Marinelli, Alice Ripoll, Eduardo Bonito, Thiago Granato and Virve Sutinen.


​​July 2020

​​03/07/2020. 19:00. Premiere: “Cuidado com aquele bizarra”. Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​03/07/2020. 19:30. Debate with Princesa Ricardo, Marcia Tiburi, María Dantas, Fabiana Borges, Isabel Ferreira and Eduardo Bonito.

​​04/07/2020. 17:00. Pandemic Dreams Lab. Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​04/07/2020.  19:00. Premiere: “Pytuhem. A letter in defense of  the guardians of the forest”. Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​04/07/2020. 19:30. Debate with Zahy Guajajara, Mariana Villas Boas, Sonia Guajajara, Tarciano Britto, Adriana Pimentel and Eduardo Bonito.

​​09/07/2020. 15:00. Project presentation at GrecPRO by Eduardo Bonito and Isabel Ferreira.

​​09/07/2020. 22:30. “Pytuhem: a letter in defense of the guardians of the forest” and “O samba do Crioulo Doido”. Festival de la Cité. Laussanne (Switzerland).

​​09/07/2020. 23:30. Debate with Calixto Neto and Wagner Schwartz.

​​10/07/2020. 19:00. “Do lado de Fora. Marielle vive” and “Seeds project” Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​10/07/2020. 19:30 Debate with Ludmilla Curi, Ethel Oliveira, Julia Mariano, Maria Dantas and Isabel Ferreira. 

​​11/07/2020. 19:00.  “Wingless”. Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​11/07/2020. 19:30. Debate with Renata Martins, Zeze Motta, Gemma Ferreón and Dai Sombra.

​​17/07/2020. 19:00. Premiere: “About Questions, Shames and Scars”. Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​17/07/2020. 19:00. Debate with Alice Ripoll, Rômulo Galvão, Alan Ferreira, Ruy Moreira, Bernardo Gutiérrez and Isabel Ferreira.

​​18/07/2020. 19:00. Premiere: “Capitalism for Dummies”. Antic Teatre - Festival Grec, Barcelona (Spain). 

​​18/07/2020. 19:30. Debate with Txalo Toloza, Laida Azkona, Eduardo Bonito and Isabel Ferreira.





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